ผู้วิจัย  Chusak Yathongchai, Wilairat Yathongchai & Komut Srisawat


This study aims to develop a mobile application for attraction recommendations
in Buriram Province and to study user satisfaction with the application. The attraction
recommendation feature uses a content-based filtering technique based on the interests
of target tourists. The application was developed using Android Studio, Ionic Framework,
Angular Framework, Node.js, and the MySQL database management system.
The results showed that the application can recommend attractions according to
the interests of tourists, including ranking the places by distance from the user’s current
location. The application also has functions to search for nearby attractions, display
details of the places, and navigate to the attractions with Google Maps. In addition, users
can sign up via both Facebook and Google accounts. From the study of the satisfaction
of 40 users using a satisfaction questionnaire with a 5-level rating scale, it was found that
the overall satisfaction was at the highest level (𝑥̅ = 4.26, S.D. = 0.62). This research
result indicates that the developed application can effectively meet the needs of
tourists, reduce the time spent searching for information, and increase satisfaction in
choosing tourist attractions.
