สมหมาย ปะติตังโข, ผู้แต่งร่วม
The aims of this research article are (1) to study the development of local rice group of Ban Lim Thong community, Nong-Bot sub-district, Nangrong district, Buriram province; (2) to investigate problematic situations of the local rice group of Ban Lim Thong community; and (3) to develop a model of enhancing strength of the local rice group of Ban Lim Thong community with the implementation of participatory action research (PAR). The data are collected from related documents, in-depth interviews, group discussion, brainstorming sessions and potential development. The results reveal that the development of rice cultivation in the research area could be classified into 3 successive periods: (1) community-founding period of local rice cultivation (1984-1996); (2) the transitional period of changing local rice cultivation practice (1997-2009); and (3) the period of self-reliant local rice cultivation (2009 - 2018). Nowadays, the local rice group is confronted with obstacles to marketing, strong group management, concrete group expansion etc. The researchers search for a model of group consolidation to enhance practical management along with its regulations. The group was formerly composed of 17 menbers and later joined in by other 13 participants. Presently, the group, consisting of 30 members, is under the banner of “Toxic Free Rice of Ban Lim Thong Group”. Moreover, materials in the community are utilized for its communual benefit such as a small rice milling machine, a communual rice storage area, and a rice vacuum sealer. In addition, the group owns 200,000 baht fund. These could be considered that the local rice group of Ban Lim Thong community fulfils its full potential for effeciently mobilizing its co-operation.
กิ่งแก้ว ปะติตังโข และคณะ. (2561, กรกฎาคม-ธันวาคม). รูปแบบการเสริมสร้างความเข้มแข็งกลุ่มข้าวพันธุ์พื้นเมืองของชุมชน บ้านลิ่มทอง ตำบลหนองโบสถ์ อำเภอนางรอง จังหวัดบุรีรัมย์. วารสารรามคำแหง. 37(2): 99-134.