Tepporn Lomarak, Bancha Nuansai, Worrawat Promden, and Arunrassame Sangsila
Abstract. The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of a professional development instructional program Integrated STEM for elementary schools in a rural context of Thailand which carried out at the Faculty of Education, Buriram Rajabhat University during February 2018. Research instruments were (1) assessment observational record consisted of 5 elements of competencies with 4 levels of rubric criteria including beginning, approaching proficient, proficient, and distinguished levels, (2) achievement test related STEM designed to assess specific science content knowledge. The research findings revealed that the integrated STEM program was recommended to use for developing in-service science teachers’ teaching competencies. From evaluation of experts, the results indicated that competencies’ levels of teaching of in-service science teachers was achieved as approaching proficient level. Moreover, the results of one sample t-test indicated that teachers' achievement score on science content knowledge after implementing the integrated STEM program was significantly higher than before at the 0.01 level. It can be suggested that in-service training programs should be developed and used for science teachers to raise their awareness of the necessity of STEM education and to enhance their competencies in teaching preparation program. Keywords: Integrated STEM Program, Teaching Competency, STEM instruction, Professional Development Program
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Buriram Rajabhat University
Tepporn Lomarak1 Bancha Nuansai2 Worrawat Promden3 and Arunrassame Sangsila4
1 Head of General Science Program, Faculty of Education, Buriram Rajabhat University, TH
2 Associate director of Research and Development Institute, Buriram Rajabhat University, TH
3,4 Lecturrer at General Science Program, Faculty of Education, Buriram Rajabhat University,
E-mail: tlomarak@gmail.com