
Bancherd sornsupharp Sairung Sonsupharp and Hans-Uwe Dahms


Digestibility efficiency of dry giant mimosa leaves pellet and skin colour were investigated in fancy carp and goldfish. The feed were included the basal feed (0 g. of giant mimosa; T1) and mixed with giant mimosa leaves of 50 g (T2), 100 g (T3), and 150 g (T4). Fancy carp and goldfish with an initial weight of 26.54±6.39 and 20.69±0.26 g were used for those experiments. Two groups’ fish were separated into the 70 litter aquarium glasses with 5 fish/aquaria and triplicate per treatment. Digestibility efficiency (DE) of trial feeds were investigated by indirect method. Skin colour of that fish was measured by the colour reader (Konica Minolta model CR10). The result showed that different consequence DE in fancy carp and goldfish. Fancy carp displayed that significant difference (p0.05). However, the b* value showed the difference in the final time. That fish fed with T3 had higher value than the other with 37.71±0.28. The chromaticities of that fish were slight changed from initial to final time. These researches concluded that dry giant mimosa leaves meal can use in fancy fish and goldfish up to 100 g kg-1 with not affect to DE. Moreover, the skin colour in term of L*, a* and b* showed high value in that fish fed with 100 g kg-1 dry giant mimosa leaves.


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