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English Syntax I

English Syntax I

For many years, it has been being an outcome of my experiences in teaching the second year students in Bachelor’s degree program in English at Buriram Rajabhat University (BRU). I have seen many different problems of the second year students’ learning English Syntax, starting from 1552102 Syntax 1 in the previous course to 1552105 English Syntax 1 in the latest course. This is intentionally the purpose of writing this teaching handbook for the students who are taking the course of “English Syntax 1”. I am sure that it is useful for learners or students who are learning English Syntax 1 or for those who are learning and teaching other related courses such as Linguistics, Introduction to Linguistics or English syntax. This teaching handbook is divided into six chapters organized according to the course description set by BRU and taught in my English Syntax classes. Each chapter provides exercises to express their idea and understanding. All six chapters not only encourage English students to practice analyzing the English structures, including morphemes, words, phrases, clauses, and sentences but also help them develop reading skill (analyzing the meaning of words) and writing skill (analyzing the structures of phrases, clauses and sentences).

Hopefully, this handbook will help learners or students to develop their skills as mentioned above, use correct English structures, and understand the basic sentence structures of native speakers more or less, and they should be able to apply their knowledge in their daily life more correctly, efficiently and strategically than they were before.

Finally, I am very thankful to my senior lecturers, the heads of English program and Business English Program, and Buriram Rajabhat University that encourage me to write this teaching handbook.