
อดิศักดิ์ พรมลา ภควัฒน์ จันดี ชูศักดิ์ ยาทองไชย และวิไลรัตน์ ยาทองไชย*


This research aims to 1) build a depression prediction model for undergraduate students using data mining with the decision tree technique and 2) develop a mobile application of the depression prediction system for undergraduate students. Data collections were from the 674 online questionnaires for students' depression. The data were then classified with the decision tree technique and J48 algorithm to create the student depression model and evaluate the model with 10-fold and 100-fold cross-validation methods using the Weka program. The model has to incorporate into the depression prediction system for undergraduate students that run on Android. The development of the system used JavaScript, Node.js, React Native, and MySQL. Use 45 purposive samples of students for the system satisfaction study. The results showed that the factors associated with the depression model have six personal and nine depression factors with 90.19% accuracy, 89.65% precision, 90.81% recall, and 90.23% f-measure. The system consists of two parts: the depression prediction part that can display four levels of prediction (normal, mild depression, moderate depression, and severe depression) along with the recommendation message, and the system administration part for the administrators. The system uses of students found that at the highest level of satisfaction (x̅ = 4.28, S.D. = 0.63)


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