Peempond Phaprom and Tepporn Lomarak
Abstract. This preliminary study aimed to explore collaborative problem solving (CPS) competency for 12th grade students applying a STEM mini- project on a hydraulic system model. The participants were 85 twelfth graders who are enrolled in Physics class. Engineering design process was used as learning steps within four weeks of the study period. A lesson plan of the STEM mini- project on Hydraulic system model, student’s behaviour observation form, and student's artefacts assessment form were used as the study tools with rubric rating scale. The student’s CPS competency was identified into three major competencies: establishing and maintaining shared understanding, taking appropriate action to solve the problem, and establishing and maintaining team organization. Each major competency was divided into three scales: good, fair, and unsatisfied. The results revealed that 58.8% of all students were at a fair level of the CPS competency, and the rest were unsatisfied. The highest average score was the establishing and maintaining shared understanding competency followed by taking appropriate action to solve the problem and establishing and maintaining shared understanding, respectively. Descriptive observation and suggestions will be presented in this study.
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Peempond Phaprom1,a and Tepporn Lomarak2,b
1,a Department of Science and Technology, Thakhantho Wittayakhan School, Kalasin. Thailand.
2,b Division of General Science, Faculty of Education, Buriram Rajabhat University
Abstract. This preliminary study aimed to explore collaborative problem solving (CPS) competency for 12th grade students applying a STEM mini- project on a hydraulic system model. The participants were 85 twelfth graders who are enrolled in Physics class. Engineering design process was used as learning steps within four weeks of the study period. A lesson plan of the STEM mini- project on Hydraulic system model, student’s behaviour observation form, and student’s artefacts assessment form were used as the study tools with rubric rating scale. The student’s CPS competency was identified into three major competencies: establishing and maintaining shared understanding, taking appropriate action to solve the problem, and establishing and maintaining team organization. Each major competency was divided into three scales: good, fair, and unsatisfied. The results revealed that 58.8% of all students were at a fair level of the CPS competency, and the rest were unsatisfied. The highest average score was the establishing and maintaining shared understanding competency followed by taking appropriate action to solve the problem and establishing and maintaining shared understanding, respectively. Descriptive observation and suggestions will be presented in this study.