Kultanan P. 1, Chusuwan S.1
Abstract The objectives of this research were 1) to study need of enhancement on curriculum and learning management competencies, 2) to develop a training package for enhancing curriculum and learning management competencies for teachers at Faculty of Education, Buriram Rajabhat University and study the results of using the training package. The subjects of this research were 32 teachers which were selected by purposive sampling. Training documents were about curriculum and Learning Management. The research instruments were 1) A survey of the need assessment of enhancement on curriculum and learning management competencies for teachers at the Faculty of Education, 2) Training package, 3) Achievement test, 4) A satisfaction questionnaire on a training package. Data were analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation, and hypothesis were tested by t-test. The research results found that: 1. The need of enhancement on curriculum and learning management competencies found that it was at a high level on average of 3.76. 2. The efficiency of the training package on the curriculum and the learning management competencies was 89.18 / 80.00, which was meet the criterion set at 80/80. 3. A test of achievement on a training package after the training was higher than before training (p < .05), and the effectiveness index of learning from the training package was 0.5019 (50.19%) together with satisfaction in teachers on training package was an average of 4.62 that teachers had to satisfy on the training package. Keywords: curriculum, learning management, training package.
The objectives of this research were 1) to study need of enhancement on curriculum and learning management competencies, 2) to develop a training package for enhancing curriculum and learning management competencies for teachers at Faculty of Education, Buriram Rajabhat University and study the results of using the training package.
The subjects of this research were 32 teachers which were selected by purposive sampling. Training documents were about curriculum and Learning Management. The research instruments were 1) A survey of the need assessment of enhancement on curriculum and learning management competencies for teachers at the Faculty of Education, 2) Training package, 3) Achievement test, 4) A satisfaction questionnaire on a training package. Data were analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation, and hypothesis were tested by t-test.
The research results found that:
- The need of enhancement on curriculum and learning management competencies found that it was at a high level on average of 3.76.
- The efficiency of the training package on the curriculum and the learning management competencies was 89.18 / 80.00, which was meet the criterion set at 80/80.
- A test of achievement on a training package after the training was higher than before training (p < .05), and the effectiveness index of learning from the training package was 0.5019 (50.19%) together with satisfaction in teachers on training package was an average of 4.62 that teachers had to satisfy on the training package.
Keywords: curriculum, learning management, training package.