A. Vimuttasoongviriya, N. Kwatra, M. Kumar
It is necessary to monitor the damage of structure both original and retrofitted frame in high seismic region. The information in the change of structural dynamic is always utilized to make decisions on maintenance of damaged structure. This paper investigates the effect of lateral quasi-static load on damage indexes based on modal parameters damage method. The three story reinforced concrete (RC) frame model was constructed and tested under different controlled damage. The damaged frame was repaired by using Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) laminate. The modal plastic softening method, stiffnessmass ratios method and modal flexibility method and frequency response function (FRF) based mode shape method were used to calculate damage indexes of the experiment. Results of this study show that the damage indexes of retrofitted frame reduce indicating better performance as compared to the control frame. Damage index based on the change in FRF shows a much acceptable accuracy correlation with damage based on the change in natural frequency and mode shape in present work.
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