
sombat prajonsant


The value of the decorative motif patterns of the ancient Khmer sanctuary accommodation can be used as a model to create a graphic design with contemporary style which is universal but still keeps its local identity. This survey research study collected data in making the production plans and developing the designs graphic printed scarf products which was designed by using the decorative motif patterns of the ancient Khmer sanctuary. Thai consumers who came to visit product display booth on the Thai Inventor’s Day 2014 were determined as the research population in the research methodology. The sample group of 120 exhibit booth visitors was selected by using a non-probability sampling technique called as a purposive sampling for finding the customer acceptance when the sample group first saw the products. The results from the study showed that the sample group consisted of female, aged 15-24 and 35-44 with the average income of less than 15,000 THB/month and they were government officers. When they first observed the fabrics, they felt satisfied with the products at the highest level. However, when they saw the decorative motif patterns of the ancient Khmer sanctuary, their satisfaction of the patterns was slightly dropped down at the fair level. In terms of customers satisfaction with the productat the highest level, the order started from fabrics, colors, and patterns, respectively. They had the highest satisfaction of the product and most of them viewed that the selling price for one piece of scarf that they could make their buying decision easier should be around 251500 THB and 751-1,000 THB. Most of them recognized that the product’s fabrics were unique at the highest level. They also viewed that the fabrics will attract attention from the markets or adult customers aged 21-40 as the main group of customers at the high level. This research suggests that designers need to design the products in terms of fabrics, patterns, colors to meet with the needs and tastes of the target customer group, to reduce the product cost, so the products can be purchased less than 500 THB/piece, or to increase products’ value by creating the narratives of the fabrics/patterns to the customers. The market strategy should be focused on establishing sensation and understanding product’s value. Keywords: 1. Product design 2. Acceptance of product 3. Printed fabric 4. Khmer sanctuary 5. Scarf


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วารสารมหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร ปีที่39 ฉบบัที่3 (พ.ค. - มิย. 2562) หน้าที่ 20-32
