Kusuma Soommat,Pra Silasak Sumetho
This academic article aimed at analyze the meaning communication of social media, facebook “1 Religious place people government create happy”. The data consist of public relations texts in social media, facebook commencing from 14 May, 2019 to 14 June 2019, Data for the analysis came from 176 texts. The analysis reveals that four content, which comprised of 1) To inform Operations1 Local 1 Religious place,The people, The government create happiness have 123 texts (69.87%) 2) To inform tradition /Religious ceremony have 25 texts (14.21%) 3) To inform project/activity for public community have 14 texts (7.96%) 4) To inform participating in social work assistance for giving a royal charity have 14 texts (7.96%). Language Strategies, which comprised of 1) speech act of representatives 2) clipping The Meaning Communication of Wat Pacharat sangsuk to create empowerment in the community, divided into 4 categories. 1) Increasing a channel to publicize the Wat Pacharat sangsuk project 2) Increasing a channel to publicize the project / activity for public community and tradition /Religious ceremony 3) Increasing community ownership and community closeness between people in community and monks